Thursday, 10 March 2011

Please give your money to a good home...

 My little sister is trying to get some funding to make a short film, to stop her from trying to get her hands on my non-existent money please click here:

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Automatic Drawing/Sculpture/Puddles


Let There Be Light

 So I was looking at James Turrell and Dan Flavin's and some other light artist work and thought "I'll have go at that". The obvious problem was not having any lights or much money to buy them big fluorescent lights. But I am a genius and came up with the perfect solution, GLOW STICKS. I then proceeded to illuminate my room like a red light district at Christmas, played 90's rave music, loudly, (well it just had to be done) and battled the swarm of a 1000+ moths charging at my open window, all in the name of art.

Holy shit Batman, I can make rainbows.

I found if you put things over the top of lights you can sorta make cool compositions

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Coulage:Part 1

I Have A Book....

So, I have found myself a little book of surrealist games. And I have intentions of playing with each and every single one. Its going to be fun.

I'm not sure how well this will go down with the art school folk though, as the only time I mention I liked surrealism it was to the head of foundation who's response was "oh, just like every other 16 year old". Yes, those were his exact words, and yes I'm pretty sure that was meant as an insult given that I was a 24 year old at the time. But its okay, I forgive him, its not his fault that he's a middle classed snob who lacks passion for creativity. He probably only has one testicle. Poor sod.

Unexpected Art

 Isn't cool when you make a little masterpiece and find that while making that masterpiece, the mess you created making it turns into a little masterpiece itself? 2 for the price of 1.


You don't know love till until you meet Tallulah.
She thinks she's a teddy bear.

Blood Memories

Its not often that I quote poetry/writings but I really like the idea of using life experiences to make art work, the more emotions, passions and personnal history behind the work, the stronger the work seems to become. I think Rainer Maria Rilke's 'blood memories' sums it up best:

"Its till they have turned to blood within us, to glance and to gesture, nameless and no longer to be distinguished from ourselfs- not till then can it happen that in the most rare hour the first word of a verse arises in their midst and goes forth from them."  -Rainer Maria Rilkes