Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Broken Ideas

Light and Bubble Wrap

I was looking at a book on digital macro photography, it had lovely pictures of leaves, flowers and bugs and i felt very inspired but i decided that it was to cold to piss about outside with a camera so I started to play with bubble wrap a light and a couple of coloured filters instead.

Little Note

I saw this little note in the front page of a book called 'Spray It Loud' by Gill Posener.  I can't work out if it really was just an honest mistake or just pure sarcasm as the book was all about hardcore femminst graffiti with work such as 'Kill All Men'

The Egg Graveyard

I moaned to a friend that the sulpture that I had planned to make with eggs, i couldn't make due to me being stupid and dropping the eggs, she sugested to make some work in the mourning of the the eggs I'd lost. 

Puppy Portrait

I was looking after a friends puppy for a few weeks and couldn't resist taking photos

My Work From The First Year

These are some of paintings from the first year. I based my work on the Aztec and Maya research i'd done

I used purmice gel on this one

I started to paint using a pipette

Stuff From Foundation

My mum was so proud of me when i showed her this

I made this sculpture of a building using balloons and mud rock

My first print

Painting done with acrylic and a credit card

I was doing a project on plastic surgery

Burn Barbie burn

I Love Dali

Really Old Stuff

These are some of my really old drawings from when I was 14, I found them still hiding under my bed.

A collage. Can't rember what this was even for.

Some paintings in acrylic.